Saturday, July 9, 2011

Module 4

How can technology be used most effectively to support and assess student learning?


  1. helping actively engage students in the learning process

  2. I think technology can be used most effectively when the students can be fully interactive. The technology should support the lesson that is being taught and create a deeper understanding of the material.

  3. Students deal with some form technology each day when they aren't in the school environment so they are use to dealing with it and are very comfortable with it. When they get to see it and use it at school, it is something they are are accustomed too and most of them relate and go with it well. It is sad to say, but sometimes they teach us a thing or two in dealing with the technology.

  4. As mentioned on my previous post for Module 3, interactives can enhance student interest. There is so much out there on the Internet that uses technology, most, if not all, are great ways and new approaches to assess their learning.

  5. Technology is an effective tool for student learning because 21st century students are familiar with technology and relate well to hands-on, interactive learning. Teachers can utilize technology to meet individual student needs and actively engage students in the learning process. This requires that teachers learn the technology themselves and know how to integrate it into their curriculum as a means to an end. Technology should enhance learning, not be the sole source of the learning experience. Because my school does not have a media center, our students have to rely heavily on the Internet for their research. Teachers spend time stressing the importance of using the Internet responsibly and identifying web sites with factual information versus those with personal opinions. I use an online testing program and create my own test banks so most of my classes take online tests. By using technology for testing, the students are practicing taking online tests similar to the SOL tests, and they receive immediate feedback regarding their grade and explanations for wrong answers. Web-based lesssons that include interactive tools help teachers assess student learning as they are progressing through a unit of study. Since many students have access to computers at home, teachers can use online homework assignments to assess learning and provide immediate feedback. The use of blogs, wikis, and/or emails provides excellent resources for students to communicate with classmates and/or the teacher regarding topics that are being studied in class.
